Into The Net S.r.l. 应用

Expo Mare Roma 1.0
EXPO MARE ROMA – App dedicated to “OSTIA EXPO2015 – Saperi e Sapori in the sea of Rome” and discovering thenatural heritage of the protected marine Area of Tor Paterno’sSecche managed by RomaNatura (Lazio region), that also protectsother 14 natural areas of City of Rome.The App collects information about the region and itssurroundings:flora and fauna with photos, descriptions and audio guide;A section dedicated to the Miglio Blu routes, represented asguided with map of buoys, geo-tagged locations on map and augmentedreality (AR) visualization;a list of Diving center available in the area;an area to discover the Recipes dishes;news, useful phone numbers and much more to explore the theme ofsustainable future for the sea of Rome.
RomaNatura App 1.0
RomaNatura è l’Ente Regionale per la Gestionedel Sistema delle Aree Naturali Protette nel Comune di Roma, natoin attuazione della Legge Regionale n.29 del 6 ottobre 1997.Attualmente RomaNatura gestisce oltre 16.000 ettari di naturaprotetta, compresa l’Area Marina delle Secche di Tor Paterno. Molteriserve naturali conservano quella vocazione agricola che rende, atutt’oggi Roma Capitale il primo comune agricolo d’Italia.La ricchezza del territorio gestito dall’Ente è immensa:preesistenze archeologiche, monumenti, ville e casali rappresentanosolo una parte del suo valore, il cui vero tesoro è rappresentatoda nicchie ecologiche che contano la presenza di oltre 1000 specievegetali, 5000 specie di insetti e altre 150 specie fra mammiferi,uccelli, anfibi e rettili.Per questo l’Ente RomaNatura mette a disposizione di tuttiquesta nuova APP che permette in modo veloce ed efficace discoprire tutto ciò che le riserve naturali di Roma regalano apartire dalle diverse specie faunistiche per finire con i sitiarcheologici sparsi su tutto il territorio di sua competenza.E’ inoltre possibile, tramite l’APP, segnalare direttamenteall’Ente eventuali emergenze di degrado all’interno dei suoi parchio semplicemente segnalare nuove scoperte faunistiche o floristiche,tramite la funzione Photo Reporter.Keywords romanatura, ente regionale lazio, roma, parchi, naturaRomaNatura is theRegional Agency for the Management System of Natural ProtectedAreas in the City of Rome, born in implementation of the RegionalLaw 29 of 6 October 1997.RomaNatura currently manages over 16,000 hectares of protectednature, including the sea area of ​​Tor Paterno. Many naturereserves preserve the agricultural vocation that makes, to date thefirst common agricultural Rome Capital of Italy.The richness of the territory is managed by the immense:pre-existing archaeological sites, monuments, villas and farmhousesrepresent only a fraction of its value, whose real treasure isrepresented by ecological niches that count the presence of morethan 1000 species of plants, 5,000 species of insects and otherover 150 species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles.For this reason the body RomaNatura provides all this new APPthat allows fast and effective way to find out everything that thenature reserves of Rome offer from the various species of fauna andending with the archaeological sites scattered throughout theterritory of its jurisdiction.It 'also possible, by the APP, report directly to theemergencies of degradation within its parks or just to report newdiscoveries of flora or fauna, through the Photo Reporter.Keywords Romanatura regional body lazio, rome, parks, nature
Eros and Psyche in the world 1.0
Rome, the Eternal City, Caput Mundi, containsimages, stories and legends that cover almost three thousand yearsof history. How to find one's way on an area so full of wonders?How to view the myth of "Cupid and Psyche"?This application allows viewing the work of the myth of Cupidand Psyche through a digital key: the myth of Cupid and Psyche, asdepicted by artists of all time, housed in major museums of theEternal City.The above mentioned application, illustrated with photoreferences, allows viewing 20 works from classical to contemporaryart of artists such as: Cigoli, Lodovico Cardi, Jacopo Zucchi, PinoPascali, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Fabio Mauri, Ippolito Buzio,Liborio Coccetti and Felice Giani, Perino del Vaga, Petro Tenerani,Piero Manzoni, Raphael Sanzio, and some other exceptional anonymousartists.The texts have been reviewed and supervised by experts, led byProfessor Miriam Mirolla, and contain original photos granted bythe institution and include a map of the works.By using this application, you can freely move into the city ofRome and decide either to visit the exhibits in the exhibition heldat Castel Sant'Angelo "The Myth of Cupid and Psyche", or to visitother works related to the myth of Cupid and Psyche
MyCapri 1.2.8
Everything you need to know and reach Capriand Anacapri just at a finger touch!MyCapri app will guide you step by step in our visit in the BlueIsland and provides you with all the information you may need toenjoy the beauties and the services of this wonderful place.MyCapri Web site powered by IntothenetNews of the version n. 1.2Direct call for a TaxiResearch for the connections from and to CapriFerry boats, hydrofoils, ships.News, gossip and events of the IslandYou will be able to view thousands of information just at a fingertouch.Features of the app:Searching real –time information about your location, graphiccarousel wih swipe effectsAssisted searching for filling the fields.You can have as well the following information:Location in the map with geo-referenced dataList divided into categories:Carousel modality with swipe effectsAugmented reality with Zoom and data summary informationConsultation of Wikipedia mobile data related to your position inthe IslandThe cards have the following information:Geo referencing in the mapWay to reach the placeLogoPhone numberEmailWeb siteLink to app or mobile sitePhoto GalleryVideo ClipBooking RequestInformation RequestShare on facebookSend to a friendSave in favorites for the offline consultation
Capri Scooter and Aurora Time 1.0
Capri Scooter App is the app of CapriScooterand Aurora Time, leading companies in Capri for services ofrentingscooters and boats of various sizes and dimensions, withtheability to offer different levels of service are also on board.Wecan also organize events at sea.The App allows you to book a scooter directly or a boat,fromsimple to sophisticated Gulet boat in just a few simpletouch.Turning in a scooter and you can have the directions of theparkinglots, of our locations and gas stations.View the Photogallery, discover our services, Capri ScooterandAurora Time are waiting for you to Capri by land and sea.
Paolino Lemon Trees 1.1
A new way to try the tasteful cuisine ofthefamous restaurant Da Paolino lemon trees to chooseyourfavouritecourses on the rich and always up to date menu and to reserveyourseat: everything in the palm of your hand !. Make yourreservationand registration on the Appl.of the most exclusiverestaurant ofCapri , choose among the tasteful courses and aselection of morethan 300 quality wines.It's also possible to surf all the menu in offline and in everycardof the courses of the menu you will find the photos and thedetailsof the ingredients.Surf thephoto gallery and watch the video to relish eventheatmospere of the famous lemon garden of the RestaurantDaPaolino.Enrol on the newsletter to keep up to date about all thelatestnews. Share on your social network and store automaticallythecontacts of the restaurant on your notebook.Da Paolino lemon trees is mobile, its cuisine is in yourhands!
Primarie 1.0
E-Democracy? Questa app vuole essereunostrumento di promozione delle primarie che siano di centrodestra,di centro sinistra o di qualsiasi altro partitonazionale.Con quest'app potrai:- Conoscere i candidati- Conoscere i loro programmi- Informarti sulle modalità di voto- Verificare tutti i requisiti per votare con una check list- Conoscere dove è possibile votare- Votare sull'app esprimendo un exit pollUn giorno la democrazia e la partecipazione politica siesprimeràanche attraverso strumenti tecnologici come leapplicazionimobile.Questa iniziativa vuole essere un invito a chi ci governeràasuperare i limiti del digital divide e uno sprone alla tuteladiuna rete internet libera e domocratica.
Conad Jazz Contest 1.3
Conad Jazz Contest App allows you to listenandvote the songs submitted by participants in the musiccontestsponsored by Conad and Umbria Jazz.The App also presents cards related to contestants, the judgesandthe rankings, as well as all information relating totheperformance of the contest.
MyAmbrogio 1.1.6
Your Virtual ButlerA mobile application that allows you to manage and organizeyourtime with the help of a professional butler's soothing voice.Itswide range of features and tips make task sceduling pleasantandfun for both men and women. MyAmbrogio does not clean butpampersyou and takes your mind off. Thanks to its categories,preparing ashopping list, scheduling administrative tasks ormedical visits,organizing shopping tours with friends is easy andshareable withyour contacts favoring engagement and delegation.MyAmbrogio'selegant and motivational voice messages gently call theuser'sattention. Thanks to MyAmbrogio's integration with thedevicecalendar, your appointments are always synchronized. Yourphonecontacts become the "Friends" you can share appointments andtaskswithout leaving the app. The "Suggested by MyAmbrogio"featureshows MyAmbrogio certified shops and professionals listedbydistance from the user thanks to datageolocationcapabilities.
Porta Immobiliare Capri 1.0.2
Porta Immobiliare nasce dalcontinuopotenziamento di un’attività edile nell’isola di Capri chevantaoltre un secolo di storia.L'esperienza maturata nel settore, gli efficaci strumentidicomunicazione, hanno fatto si che venisse realizzataquestaapplicazione capace di portare i prestigiosi immobili,dell'Isoladi Capri e non solo, nella vostre mani, guidandovi ad unapuntualeconsultazione di tutte le informazioni utili.L'individuazione sulla mappa dell'Isola e la realtà aumentata perlaricerca degli immobili rendono estremamente ricca efunzionalel'applicazione, che mette in risalto tutti gli aspettidelle caseda sogno da noi proposte. Una chiave, nelle vostre mani,peraccedere a immobili da sogno !Gate Real Estatewasestablished by the continuous expansion of construction activityonthe island of Capri, which has over a century of history.The experience gained in the industry, effectivecommunicationtools, have made that was made this applicationcapable of bringingthe prestigious real estate, Isle of Capri, andnot just in yourhands, guiding you to a timely consultation withall relevantinformation useful.The identification of the island on the map and augmented realitytosearch for properties make it extremely rich andfunctionalapplication, which highlights all aspects of dream homesoffered byus. A key, in your hands, to access property of yourdreams!
Once upon in Piazza Navona 1.0
“Once upon in Piazza Navona” is the appthatguides you in the beautiful Piazza Navona, telling the story ofhismonuments.The wonderful Roman square of Piazza Navona is waiting foryouwith its marvellous monuments and its ancient history.From Roman times to present day, from the middle ages untilthewonderful artworks of Bernini and Borromini, with its audioguidesthis app will tell you the never discovered history ofPiazzaNavona.Use Augmented Reality to navigate in real time theinformationsheets of hundreds of points of interest that are in thesquare,discover the history of its monuments and characters overtime.In the sheets there are photos, audio guides andgeo-referenceddata in time and space.“Once upon in Piazza Navona” will make you experience ajourneythrough time that you can see and hear.“Once upon in Piazza Navona” is an iOS application createdwiththe suite Software Real Time Machine by Into The Net srl forthecreation of App for smartphones and tablets.The work was realized for the project activities of Into TheNet"C’era una volta - Real Time Machine" provided for intheannouncement "Avviso Pubblico Creativi Digitali - Sviluppoideeprogettoper una nuova generazione di App - App On".POR FERS LAZIO 2007-2013, Asse 1 - Attività 7,CUP:F88CI5000080008
Pappagallo Bar 2.0
A new way to discover the famous bar inRomePappagallo, choosing your favorite courses, browsing theCakeDesign gallery to find your personal Cake.Discover the services and offers of catering for businessesorprivate, prestigious location and artistic cakes personalizedforyour wedding.Share your social networks and get special offers!The Pappagallo Bar is mobile, its services are in you hand!
Gargiulo Boat Rental 1.0.1
Capri is an isle where the visit by sea isamust. Not only to go to the famous Grotta Azzurra, but alsotodiscover the charming and evocative clefts and caves thatsurroundit.With Ciro Gargiulo's app you can book boats and ask forinformationin a minute! Discover all the services and browse someof the mostbeautiful images of this magical isle.Keywords: capri, boat rental, grotta azzurra, faraglioni,gargiulo,capri boat rental
Francigena 1.0
"The Via Francigena is a symbol ofthecultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, thevaluesof which, still present in its heritage, have embedded withinthelife of society the central role of the human person and his orherinviolable and inalienable rights, and respect for theright'(The draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe)ENTE RomaNatura - FRANCIGENAThe Lazio Region has identified the location of theFrancigenaroute a priority to enhance and promote integrated land.This aimis in perfect harmony with the purposes of the RegionalRomaNaturathat has among its main tasks the institutional promotionof thenatural heritage, structures and the development ofsustainableactivities within the areas under its control andwelcomed in thispositively sense the project of enhancing cultural,tourism andenvironmental Via Francigena recognized by the Councilof Europeand supported by the regional jurisdiction.Considering that the final stretch of the Via Francigenabeforearriving at the Basilica of St. Peter, affects some areasmanagedby our organization, or Nature Reserves dell'Insugherata andMonteMario, hopefully a growing movement of pilgrims withintheseareas.The route runs on almost any area of the green area of greatscenicbeauty with the opportunity to observe some artifacts ofhistoricalvalue such as villa attributed to the emperor LuciusVerus, thetomb of M.Vibo Mariano, better known as the Tomb of Neroand anancient fountain (for renovation) exit on Conti Street.Within the scope of their national and regional project forthedevelopment of the Via Francigena, RomaNatura has setspecifictargets listed below: To provide access routes for the areas affected by therelatedEntity RomaNatura of the Via Francigena, Insugherata andMonteMario park’s. To enhance existing features of particular importance fromthepoint of view of natural and cultural history. Bothreservespreserve vast areas of woodland within the city, very closeto thecity center, a feature almost unique among the majorEuropeancities. Ensuring a safe and accessible location for pilgrims andtouristswho choose to walk to the capital Promote a type of tourism already in sustainable powerthatenhances even the agri-food and activities related toaccommodationand dining routesOur part is already covered and reported on many sites connectedtothe Via Francigena and recently appeared with GPS in apublicationof the Touring Club (La Via Francigena nel Lazio -Radicofani,Proceno, Rome) produced by the Lazio Region, Departmentof Culture.You enter the Insugherata Nature Reserve, Via Cassia to come outin1081, via Conti from which you can reach via Trionfale gostraightto Via della Camilluccia from where Via De Amicis you entertheNatural Reserve of Monte Mario. From the Belvedere takes theroadto the historic center of Rome through Porta Angelica to cometoSt. Peter's.PATH• Nature Reserve dell'Insugherata : Entry Insugherata ViaCassia1081 - Street exit Conti - Via Gualandi - Trionfale Way• Towards the Natural Reserve of Monte Mario: Trionfale Way,PiazzaMonte Gaudio, Via Igea, Piazza Walter Rossi, entry into thePark ofMonte Mario in Via De Amicis - via Trionfale - Viale delParcoMellini, belvedere overlooking St. Peter's Basilica - viaTrionfale- Stairways Monte Mario - Borghetto San Lazzaro - ViaLeone IV -St. Peter
Ancient Pompeii 1.0.0
Daily life in the Roman city of Pompeii
Discovering Vico Equense
Paolino - Capri Restaurant 1.0.1
Discover the tasteful cuisine of the Restaurant Da Paolino inCapri,Italy